Frazier Mountain Internet Service
Acceptable Use Policy
General Policy
It is the responsibility of all users of Frazier Mountain Internet Service
("FMIS") to maintain use of their account which is consistent
with common ethical practices and accepted community standards within those
communities that the user participates. Users of FMIS must respect copyrights
and licenses for programs, data and documents as well as the privacy of
others they may encounter on the Global Internet
FMIS will report to law enforcement authorities any activities which
may be considered illegal, as well as any reports it receives of such activities.
When requested, FMIS will cooperate with law enforcement authorities.
FMIS will review alleged violations of its Acceptable Use Policy on
a case-by-case basis. FMIS will take action as provided in its service
agreement, which may include termination of the Account Holder's services.
FMIS reserves the right to modify this policy at any time. The most
current version of this document is available as http://www.frazmtn.com/aup.htm
Acceptable Uses of Frazier Mountain Internet Service
Acceptable Use of Frazier Mountain Internet Service will include all
uses which meet these criteria:
- The activity is considered legal in all areas in which the activity
occurs or passes through, AND
- The activity is not specifically prohibited by this Acceptable Use
Policy or the Service Agreement
Unacceptable Uses of Frazier Mountain Internet ServiceThe following
uses are specifically prohibited by this Policy:
- Any activity which is NOT considered legal in all areas in which the
activity occurs or passes.
- Transmission of any communication where the meaning of the message
is likely to be highly offensive to the recipient or recipients of that
- Any conduct which is inflammatory, abusive, or harassing or may be
considered anti-social behavior.
- Violation of any copyright, patent, trademark, or other proprietary
rights including distribution or transferring of "pirated" software.
- Disruption of network traffic or FMIS services in anyway including
excessive amounts of bandwidth or excessive use of computer resources.
- Attempts to "hack" or make any entry into any computer systems
in a way for which that computer system was not specifically intended,
or attempts to gain unauthorized access to any systems or data, or attempts
to gain unauthorized access to any individual account or data.
- Distribution of unsolicited advertising including junk mailing, and
chain letters.
- Use which does not meet the primary goals of Frazier Mountain Internet
We appreciate your cooperation.
Document Last Revised December 28, 1995
Copyright 1997© by Frazier Mountain Internet Services.